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Saturday, 3 June 2017


1. Adamant (adjective) - Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind – अटल

S - Obstinate, Adamantine, Bullheaded, Dogged, Hard, Hardened, Hardheaded, Hard-nosed, Headstrong, Immovable, Implacable

A- Acquiescent, Agreeable, Amenable, Compliant, Complying, Flexible, Pliable, Pliant, Relenting, Yielding

Mnemonic – A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.
Use - I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming.

2. Affected (adjective) - Influenced or touched by an external factor – प्रभावित
S - Artificial, Assumed, Bogus, Contrived, Factitious, Fake, False, Feigned, Forced, Mechanical, Mock
A – Artless, Genuine, Natural, Spontaneous, Unaffected, Uncontrived, Unfeigned, Unforced
Mnemonic - Affected.....past form of SOMETHING which has nothing to do with facts.
Use - He has a very affected style of writing.
3. Allay (verb) - Diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry) – निराकरण करना
S - Alleviate, Assuage, Ease, Mitigate, Mollify, Palliate, Relieve, Soothe
A - Aggravate, Exacerbate
Mnemonic - Allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao.
Use - The government is trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.
4. Accord (noun) - An official agreement or treaty – सहमाति
S - Treaty, Alliance, Compact, Convention, Covenant, Pact
A – Conflict, Disagreement, Incongruence, Incongruity, Incongruousness
Mnemonic - Sounds like ACC(ACCORDING)+cord(record)...well ACCORDING TO our RECORDS we are in agreement with our investors ,as where to invest their money.
Use - The project is completely in accord with government policy.
5. Adulterate (verb) - Render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance – मिलावटी
S - Impure, Adulterated, Alloyed, Contaminated, Dilute, Diluted, Polluted, Tainted, Thinned, Weakened
A – Fine, Pure, Ultrapure, Unadulterated, Unalloyed, Uncontaminated, Uncut, Undiluted, Unmixed, Unpolluted, Untainted
Mnemonic - Adults are more impure than children, so adulterate means to make impure.
Use - There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water.
6. Agility (noun) - Ability to move quickly and easily – फुर्ती
S - Dexterity, Deftness, Nimbleness, Sleight, Spryness
A – Awkwardness, Clumsiness, Gaucheness, Gawkiness, Gawkishness, Gracelessness, Ham-handedness
Mnemonic - AGILITY IS SIMILAR TO ABILITY...ABILITY to move fast and quick.
Use - Monkeys are very agile climbers.
7. Admonish (verb) - Reprimand firmly – धिक्कारना
S - Rebuke, Chide, Reprimand, Reproach, Reprove, Tick off
A – Applaud, Extol (also extoll), Hail, Laud, Praise, Salute, Tout
Mnemonic - To avoid A DEMON-ish act, a mother Warns her naughty child [Note: A face of a demon as the warning Sign].
Use - His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.
8. Assuage (verb) - Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense – शांत करना
S - Allay, Alleviate, Help, Ease, Mitigate, Mollify, Palliate, Relieve, Soothe
A – Aggravate, Exacerbate
Mnemonic – Ass means donkey... donkey's usage give huge relief from carrying loads.
Use - The government has tried to assuage the public's fears.
9. Alleviate (verb) - Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe – कम करना
S - Allay, Help, Assuage, Ease, Mitigate, Mollify, Palliate, Relieve, Soothe
A – Aggravate, Exacerbate
Mnemonic - Alleviate ~ elevator: It sounds like elevator and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs.
Use - The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.
10. Altruism (noun) - Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others - परोपकारिता
S - Selflessness, Self-sacrifice, Self-denial / Consideration, Compassion, Kindness, Goodwill, Decency, Nobility
A – Selfishness
Mnemonic - Al+tru.. someone who is always true i.e. somelike Gandhiji.. unselfish concern for welfare of others
Use - Nobody believes those people are donating money to the president’s party purely out of altruism


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